8月8日,约克公立教育局局长给监护人/家长发出了关于“在籍学生重新开学登记表”的一封信(电邮名称为:YRDSB Reopening Registration Form)。下面是信的英文原文以及中文翻译,仅供各位参考。文中有较多链接,您可以点击阅读原文了解更多。
Dear families,
We are looking ahead to a very different start to the school year. We appreciate that you have a lot of questions and are looking for as much information as possible to help you plan for September. We continue to connect with both our local public health authorities and the Ministry of Education in finalizing our plans for the school year. In all of our planning, the health and well-being of our students and staff members remains at the forefront.
Reopening Registration Form
As outlined in an email to families on July 30, we are asking all families to complete this Reopening Registration Form to indicate your intention for each of your children to attend school in person or through online remote learning.
Families with more than one child will receive more than one invitation to this form. Please complete a separate form for each child attending our schools.
For those eligible for transportation, the form also includes the ability to opt-out of this service. Where possible, parents are asked to arrange their own transportation to and from school for their children.
Please complete this form for each child by August 14, 2020 by 5:00 p.m.
p.s.在您今天收到的名为YRDSB Reopening Registration Form的邮件中,有”在籍学生重新开学登记表(Reopening Registration Form)“的链接,请您点击链接,为您的孩子填写表格。
School Models
Elementary School Model
小学开学模式The Ministry of Education has indicated that elementary students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 will attend school five days per week. School schedules, including start and end times, will remain the same. Regular class sizes will be maintained. Students will remain in their classes as one cohort (or group). Specialized teachers (e.g., French, The Arts) will still be joining classrooms to provide the full breadth of programming for students. Recess and lunch will be staggered to adhere to cohort guidelines. 安省教育厅已经通知,安省全日制幼儿园至8年级的小学学生将于9月份每周五天全面返校。上课时间安排,包括上学、放学的时间将保持不变。正常班级人数保持不变。所有学生按小组在固定教室上课。其他科任老师(如法语、艺术课等)将按照课表到每一个固定班级上课。为保证学生小组人数要求,课间休息及午餐时间将会轮流安排。Elementary Online Learning
Families can make the decision to send their child to school or engage in remote online learning. Online learning will be available for students who do not return to school physically. Students will be able to engage in online learning, including real-time live sessions directed by a teacher in a scheduled manner similar to day school. Specific remote learning classes will be created and taught by teachers available to the system. This means that your child may be taught online by teachers who are not connected to your child’s school.家长可以决定是否允许孩子返校上课,还是选择参加在线远程网络课程学习。决定不返回学校上课的学生可以选择参加网络课程的学习。在线网课学习模式包括教师指导下的实时直播教学,网课时间安排与正常返校的课堂教学时间基本相同。教育局将统一建立远程网络学习的班级,并统一安排教师进行网络授课。即,网络授课的教师可能不是由学生原注册学校的老师来担任。
Please note that, in order to maintain safety and appropriate cohorts, children whose families opt for online learning in September may be required to wait for a specific entry point (e.g., end of a reporting period) to return to in-person learning at school. We will also support transitions between face-to-face and online learning when possible as space allows. 请注意,为保障所有师生的健康安全以及班级小组的适当安排,选择9月份参加网课学习的学生可能需要等到下一个特定的入学时间(例如,阶段性正式成绩单发出之后),才能返回学校学习。在有学位的情况下,教育局也会支持学生在返校上课和网课学习模式之间的转换。Secondary School Model
中学开学模式As directed by the Ministry of Education, secondary schools in York Region will open using an Adaptive Model to support student learning. In this adapted model, students will continue with their scheduled classes through a modified school schedule that includes both synchronous (real time) and asynchronous learning during the school day.依据安省教育厅的要求,约克公立教育局所有中学将采用调整后的混合模式(Adaptive Model)开放,以支持学生学习。在调整后的混合模式中,学生将按照更改后的学校时间表参加实时和非实时的教学。
In the morning, attending cohorts will be in schools for in-person face-to-face learning with their teachers. Students will leave the school and later engage in live online learning for their afternoon classes with the entire class. On non-attending days, students will engage in asynchronous and/or synchronous learning in the morning and then engage in their afternoon classes through live online learning with the entire class. School specific information on school times will be available to families in the near future as details are finalized.所有返校小组的学生在返校时,上午会在学校课堂里参加教师面对面的课堂教学。之后,学生会离校与班级的其他同学一起参加实时直播线上学习。其他不返校小组的学生,上午参加非实时及/或实时的网课学习,下午与班级的其他同学一起参加实时直播线上学习。各学校在进一步确定时间安排等细节之后会继续与各位家长保持沟通。
This model minimizes contact between cohorts of students as they will be attending class with only one cohort each day during a rotation. Schools can use their existing timetables to build student timetables in this model. Over the full semester, this model provides additional learning time, including in-class learning, as compared to other adaptive models that were reviewed.该模式最大限度地减少了不同小组的学生之间直接接触的可能性,因为每个学生在轮流上课的过程中只会每天跟同一组的同学及教师有直接的接触。各学校将按照目前的时间表来安排调整后的混合模式教学时间。教育局在认真研究比较所有调整后的模式后发现,从整个学期的总体学习时间,包括实际课堂授课时间来看,该模式为学生提供了更多的学习及参与课堂授课的时间。
You can find sample timetables for four-course and five-course schools posted today on our Board website. This information will be shared this week with families.教育局官网提供“学校时间表样本” (sample timetables),供您参考。学校时间表样本链接(http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/school-reopening/Pages/Secondary-Program-and-Curriculum.aspx#timetable)
Secondary Online Support
中学网课支持In addition, families can also make the decision to send their child to school or engage in remote online learning. Online learning will be available for students who do not return to school physically. Specific remote learning classes will be created and taught by teachers who are available to the system and who may not be normally connected to the school. Students will be able to engage in live online learning with teachers available to the system scheduled in a manner similar to day schools. 此外,家长也可以选择学生是否返校上课,还是参加远程网课学习。决定不返回学校上课的学生可以选择上网课。教育局将统一建立远程网络学习的班级,并统一安排教师网络授课。即,网络授课的教师可能不是由学生原注册学校的老师来担任。在线网课学习模式包括教师指导下的实时直播教学,网课时间安排与正常返校的课堂教学时间基本相同。
Please note that, in order to maintain safety and appropriate cohorts, children whose families opt for online learning in September will be required to wait to specific reporting cycles (e.g., beginning of Semester 2) to return to in-person learning at school. Note, not all courses may be available online. 请注意,为保障所有师生的健康安全以及班级小组的适当安排,选择9月份参加网课学习的学生可能需要等到下一个特定的入学时间(例如,下学期开学之后),才能返回学校学习。另外,并不是所有中学课程都可以通过网课模式来进行授课。Updates
We will continue to share information with you regularly, and update our Board website with information about: health and safety measures, program and curriculum information, special education supports, transportation and more. You can also access a letter from the Ministry of Education. We will also soon be posting a digital publication on our website that outlines our Return to School Plan.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the important Reopening Registration Form. The information will help inform our planning and be used to support the creation of remote classes for students.
I also want to thank families for their patience and understanding as we work to finalize learning models that will best support student learning, achievement and well-being, while meeting Ministry of Education and public health guidelines and adhering to health and safety measures. While the school year may look different, we have truly missed our students over the past few months, and are looking forward to welcoming them back to school in September.
Louise Sirisko
Director of Education
约克公立教育局 局长 Louise Sirisko