Dear Parents and Custodians,
Re: Summer Learning Opportunities for International Students
During the school closure period until the end of June, the YRDSB will continue to support your child’s education through online teacher-led learning, and we thank you for your patience as we have been implementing new ways of teaching and learning on this scale.
As the end of the school year is drawing to a close, we would like to highlight some of the summer learning opportunities available to your children.
Secondary Students
Secondary international students who went back home may apply to attend secondary summer e-Learning courses at a special cost of $500. Students may apply through the Summer e-Learning application portal. Additional information can be found on the Continuing Education webpage.
可以申请YRDSB暑期中学网络学分课程(e-learning courses)。YRDSB国际学生参加此课程的特惠价格为:500加元。请通过教育局官方网络平台https://connect2learn.yrdsb.ca/users/index.aspx申请注册。YRDSB目前在读的国际学生在暑假返回原居住国家期间可以修读此类课程。请访问教育局官网进一步了解详细信息:http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/e-learning/Pages/default.aspx。
Secondary international students who will remain in Canada during the summer may apply through myPathwayPlanner to attend remote secondary summer credit programs at a special cost of $500. Additional information can be found on the Secondary Summer School Program webpage.
可以通过 myPathwayPlanner 申请YRDSB中学夏校在线直播学分课程(remote secondary summer credit programs)。YRDSB国际学生参加此课程的特惠价格为:500加元。请访问教育局官网进一步了解详细信息:http://www.yrdsb.ca/Programs/ConEd/Pages/Secondary-School-Summer.aspx。
Elementary Students (who will remain in Canada)
Elementary international students who will remain in Canada during summer, completing grade 8, may apply through myPathwayPlanner for the Reach Ahead language program in either Spanish or Mandarin at a special cost of $500. Additional information can be found on the Continuing Education and the International Languages webpages.
目前在YRDSB就读8年级6月末小学毕业的国际学生,可以通过 myPathwayPlanner 直接申请语言课程(Reach Ahead language program),提前选修9年级“西班牙语”或者“中文普通话”安大略省正式学分课程。YRDSB国际学生参加此课程的特惠价格为:500加元。请访问教育局官网进一步了解详细信息:http://www.yrdsb.ca/Programs/ConEd/Pages/International-Languages-Secondary-Program.aspx。
Elementary international students who will remain in Canada in grades 6, 7 and 8 may apply for the Reinforcement Summer School program. The program will operate from July 2 to July 24, 2020. This 17 day program is designed to reinforce the current grade in which the student is participating. Additional information can be found on the Grade 6, 7, and 8 Summer Learning Program webpage.
目前在YRDSB就读6、7、8年级的国际小学学生,可以在暑期申请进深强化暑期课程(Reinforcement Summer School program)。此课程的时间为:2020年7月2日到7月24日。该特别课程学习时间共17天,将会帮助学生进深强化本学年的课堂内容知识,巩固提高学生的英语语言及学习技能。请访问教育局官网了解进一步详细信息:http://www.yrdsb.ca/Programs/summer/Pages/Grade-7-8-Summer-School.aspx
Payment Options
Outside of Canada, payment by electronic wire transfer must be made via the WU® GlobalPay for Students payments platform.
如果您在在加拿大境外,请通过西联付款(WU® GlobalPay for Students payments platform.)支付。
Within Canada, payment can be made by INTERAC e-Transfer to: international.education@yrdsb.ca. When making the payment by INTERACe-Transfer you MUST include the student’s name, date of birth, and schoolattending in the Message/Comment field so that we may match the payment to the registration.
We will send more information to you about any additional programs as they are introduced.
Please be advised that our traditional in class face-to-face summer programs will move to a remote learning delivery model as per Ministry direction.
On our website www.yrdsb.ca/covid19 you can find information about school closures, answers to many of the questions you may have about school closures as well as resources to support student learning and student and family well-being. You can also follow the Board’s twitter feed @yrdsb for up-to-date information.