


Dear families and students,

I hope you, your families and loved ones are all well. On the evening of Friday, April 3, the Ontario Ministry of Education sent out a memo to school boards outlining guidance on assessment, evaluation and reporting. This letter provides information for this week and beyond. If further direction is provided by the Ministry of Education regarding assessment, evaluation and reporting, the details in this letter will be modified where necessary and we will communicate that to you.

Elementary: Grade 1 to 8 students will receive a final report card at the end of the 2019-20 school year. Kindergarten students will receive the Communication of Learning. Assessment information gathered prior to March 13 will be used to inform the information in these documents. Elementary students will continue to be assessed throughout the remainder of the school year to support their ongoing learning. Specifically, teachers will use a variety of approaches to gather evidence of how students are progressing in their learning. Teachers will provide feedback to students on their progress.
小学:所有1至8年级的学生都将会在2019-20学年末收到“期末成绩单”(final report card)。全日制幼儿园的学生将收到“学业成长报告” (Communication of Learning)。教师会使用在3月13日之前所收集到的所有有关学生测验及评估结果等信息,对学生进行进一步评估。在本学年的剩余时间内,教师将继续对小学生进行测验和评估,以保持他们学业的持续性。教师将使用各种不同的方法来收集学生学习进展情况的证明,并会就学生的学业进展情况提出反馈意见。

Secondary: All secondary students will receive a final report card at the end of the 2019-20 school year. Teachers will continue to assign learning tasks, projects and culminating activities that will be assessed to inform students about progress and marked for the purposes of evaluation. Teachers will communicate results of these marked assignments to students. Results will be used by teachers to inform students’ final course marks.
中学:所有中学学生都将会在2019-20学年末收到“期末成绩单”(final report card)。教师将继续给学生布置学习任务、作业和最终的专题大作业,并根据学生的具体完成情况进行评估和打分。评估完成之后,教师会通知每一个学生他们的作业成绩以及评估结果。教师会根据所有的作业成绩来核算学生该科目结课时的期末总评成绩。

Grade 12 Student Midterm Marks: This year, midterm marks are only required for graduating students. Teachers will use their professional judgement and interpretation of evidence of student learning when determining a midterm mark for potential graduates. Under the current circumstances, teachers are asked to use the full body of assessment evidence available to them based on work assigned up until March 13 to determine a midterm mark that reflects a student’s learning and achievement to date. The midterm marks will be submitted to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) and the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) on April 23.
12年级学生期中成绩:今年,只有应届中学毕业生会收到“学期期中成绩”(Midterm marks)。教师会根据他们的专业判断,以及学生平时测验、作业和学习进展的具体情况来给出期中成绩。在当前新冠疫情的特殊情况下,教育厅要求教师根据学生在3月13日之前完成的测验和作业情况,给出学生的学期期中成绩,该成绩应该能够最真实地反映学生本学期迄今为止的学习进展和表现。学校会将此成绩于4月23日提交给安大略大学申请中心(OUAC)和安大略专上学院申请服务中心(OCAS)。

Graduation Requirements: The Government of Ontario stated that no student will have their graduation compromised by COVID-19. The Ministry of Education continues to work with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to ensure that there will be no barriers to accessing post-secondary education.
毕业要求:安大略省政府表示,任何学生都不会因为COVID-19疫情的影响而不能按时毕业。教育厅继续与安省高等教育厅(Ministry of Colleges and Universities)保持沟通,以确保应届中学毕业生的高校申请可以顺利进行。

Access to Technology: We know not all of our students have the technology they need to access online learning resources. We are working to get equipment into the hands of our students and their families in a safe and efficient manner. Secondary students will begin to access YRDSB technology this week, with elementary students receiving technology starting next week.

Learning from Home: As part of learning from home, most students and staff will engage in learning that is not required in real time. This means they will engage in activities at different times of the day and evening to best suit their individual needs. Teachers will develop learning opportunities (e.g., tasks, assignments or projects) for students that may involve engagement both online and offline. Teachers will plan opportunities to assess student learning and provide feedback to students throughout the remainder of the school year. At this time, there is no requirement for teacher-led instruction with groups of students or classes online at the same time. Throughout all planning and programming processes, teachers consider the strengths and needs of students with Individual Education Plans.
在家学习:作为在家学习活动的一部分,绝大多数学生和教师将通过非实时的方式进行学习和沟通。这意味着学生可以根据个人的具体需要,在白天或晚上的不同时段来进行学习和交流。教师将为学生提供在线和离线两种方式都可以参与的各种学习机会(例如,安排作业、任务等)。在本学年的剩余时间内,教师将对每一个学生的学习进展进行评估,并提供反馈意见。目前,安省教育厅没有要求教师采取小组或班级师生同时在线学习的教学方式(即,采取非直播方式)。对于有“个人教育计划”(Individual Education Plan)的特殊教育的学生,教师将会具体考量学生的优势和需求,对他们做出相应的安排和指导。

We recognize these are exceptional circumstances and learning from home can be very different for our students and families. We know parents and caregivers may be essential workers or working from home and not available to provide support for students. These are not normal times and as educators, we understand the challenges ahead. Our goal is to create online learning environments that are safe, equitable and inclusive, and support every learner, without penalty for circumstances beyond the control of our students. We will do our very best to support our students during this unprecedented time, and believe our students will rise to the occasion, presenting their best efforts.

Tips for Families: Teaching and learning online at home is new for our students, families and teachers. To help you support your children through this transition to learning from home, we have developed some tips for families available on the Board website at www.yrdsb.ca/covid19. You will also find additional information about community supports, learning and well-being resources and a list of frequently asked questions. The website includes a built-in translation tool that can translate content into over 100 languages.

If you have questions about assessment, evaluation and reporting, or any other classroom or course-related questions, I encourage you to connect with your child’s teachers directly. We are learning together. Thank you for your support, patience and understanding.


Louise Sirisko
Director of Education
约克公立教育局 局长

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