



Dear parents

Please find a very important message for you below
请参阅以下来自皮尔逊教育局重要通知, 译文如下:

Good afternoon,

Earlier today, Sunday, March 22nd, Premier Legault announced during his daily news conference the following:
今天早些时候,3月22日星期日, 省长Legualt 在他的每日新闻会议上发布以下信息:

All educational institutions will now remain closed up until Friday, May 1st. This means that all Lester B. Pearson elementary schools, high schools, adult education centres and vocational training centres remain closed to students and staff.
目前所有教育机构将关闭直到5月1日星期五。这意味着所有Lester B. Pearson皮尔逊教育局小学,高中,成人高中和职业培训中心都对学生和教职员工不开放。

“Uniform” Ministry of Education exams will not take place this June.

With the exception of Emergency Daycares that are to remain open, all other Daycares are closed until May 1, 2020.

The ministry of Education is taking steps to ensure that students are provided with materials, activities, and resources during the continued shutdown. After March 30, information will be coming from the Ministry of Education, possibly online, via email, or by regular mail. In the interim, we invite you to consult the resources that Lester B. Pearson has already made available to you on our COVID-19 page (link). We will continue to add resources to our website so be sure to visit often.
教育部正在采取措施,确保在持续停课期间向学生提供材料,活动和资源。3月30日之后,信息将会来自教育部,可能在线提供,或通过电子邮件或普通邮件提供。在此期间,我们邀请您查阅Lester B. Pearson教育局官网设置的COVID-19页面(链接)上为您提供的资源。我们将继续向我们的网站添加更多的资源,因此请您确保经常上网查询。

Engaging your child in instructional activities is optional. Minister Roberge was very clear that he did not want parents to become teachers nor was it expected that homes be transformed into schools. These are difficult times and we understand that learning may be difficult for your child at this time. Activities are intended to help engage and stimulate your child, not replace school.

Students who are registered in vocational training and general adult education programs will be able to use existing resources for distance education, either online or by telephone to continue their learning.

Access to schools and centres is still not permitted, although the government will review the situation. Future access may be possible but will be coordinated according to the recommendations of public health officials. We will keep our community updated on this possibility.

The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Mr. Jean-François Roberge, has asked his department and the entire school network to collaborate to quickly offer accessible educational activities. We wish to reassure you that are working with all of our partners, and we are prepared to take a leadership role in ensuring that the best resources are made available to all of our students.

The Lester B. Pearson School Board is committed to providing you with updated information as soon as it is available. The announcements made today will be followed by more specific directives that we expect shortly from the Ministry of Education. At that time we will send out an update to you with detailed information on how we are moving forward with the new directives announced today.
Lester B. Pearson 教育局致力于为您提供最新信息。在今天发布的公告之后,我们将很快收到教育部更具体的指令。届时,我们将向您发送更新,其中包含有关我们如何继续采用今天宣布的新指令的详细信息。

We realize these are difficult times for you and your family. The priority is to keep our entire community safe so please be sure to follow all public health recommendations. Stay safe and healthy.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Please continue to vist our COVID-19 web page for updates and available resouces: 请继续关注查询以下我们的COVID - 19 网页的最新消息和有关资源

The Administration of the Lester B. Pearson School Board/ Lester B。




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