E-week是一个为期一周的户外教育之旅。Hillfield Strathallan College学生会前往加拿大不同的郊外学习新技能,练习领导能力,并回顾他们的学习成果。同样,这也是国际学生与加拿大本地学生交友的好时机。9年级的学生前往安大略省哈利伯顿的奥农达加营地。10年级的学生会乘独木舟进入美丽的阿尔冈昆省立公园。11年级的学生可以选择参加阿尔冈昆公园阿罗宏营地的领导力训练营,也可以选择参加HSC老师组织的不同行程,行程的主题包括科学拓展、烹饪技术与文学艺术。12年级的学生可以选择大学参观或学习拓展。总的来说,E-Week是HSC学习经验中非常有益的一部分。
Hillfield Strathallan College为应对学生的年龄段和需求设计了不同的教育之旅。
官方介绍:Do you enjoy food and culture? This module is a multifaceted feast of the senses. We will explore the world and business of beauty as we visit local purveyors of high-quality culture and cuisine in Ancaster and Niagara-on-the-Lake. We will visit the Niagara College culinary program where great chefs are made and we will explore Hamilton’s Farmer’s Market, where we will be inspired to create our own farm to table culinary experience. We will also travel to Cambridge to enjoy the renowned Relais et Chateaux estate & spa, Langdon Hall, where you will see the culmination of culture and cuisine in the hospitality world. You also will learn to make a gourmet lunch and enjoy it al fresco back at our Campus.
你喜欢美食和文化吗? 这次旅行将会为你呈现一个多方面的感官盛宴。我们将探索世界与商业的美丽。我们会访问当地的供应商,他们会提供高品质的美食和当地特有的文化。我们会参观安卡斯特和尼亚加拉湖旁边的小镇。不仅如此,我们还会参观尼亚加拉学院的烹饪项目,那里有很多优秀的厨师。我们会探索汉密尔顿的农贸市场,在那里我们将受到启发,创建我们自己的菜系,体验烹饪。我们还将前往剑桥,欣赏著名的莱莱夏多酒庄和兰登餐厅。我们还将学习做一顿美味的午餐,并好好享受。
E-week 虽然才刚刚过去,但是和现在繁重的学业事务相比,那好像是一个完全不同的世界。对于十二年级的学生来说,E-week不仅仅是一个户外学习的机会,而更是为期一周的放松,是对惬意的夏天的最后一次挽留。在这个美食与艺术的E-week项目里,我更深入地去了解了周边地区,像Hamilton, Niagara-on-the-lake, Cambridge 等等。我第一次意识到原来有这么多可以去体验和享受的东西,其实一直在我身边,不过我忘记了去看,去寻找。我去了很多家不同的餐厅,从路边有些破败的小餐馆到坐落在庄园里的高级宴会厅都有,这一次我没有匆匆忙忙地就开始用餐,而是仔细观察菜品的摆盘,餐厅的装修,灯光,窗外的景象等等等等。这些细微的观察给我带来了味觉和视觉的双重盛宴,让我享受活在当下。除此之外,在这次E-week里我也接触到了一些文学艺术,比如老师指导我们将活动的经历融合在俳句里,并给我们欣赏了一些俳句大师的作品,简单,而又充满了意境。总得来说这个E-week就是一次发现美的旅程,让我重拾了那些平常生活中被忽略了的,却又最简单的快乐,比如和朋友手牵着手奔跑在充满着苹果香甜气息的草地上,农场里的马,午后慵懒地晒着太阳的猫,一杯加了冰块和柠檬片的蜜桃气泡水,冒着热气的红茶,花园里的绣球花...... 我知道接下来高三的学习任务会很沉重,申请大学的过程也会令人焦虑,但是这次经历会始终提醒我:这个世界里有很多很多小美好,而且一起都会好起来的。
十年级的Hamilton同学参加了野营主题的 e-week
官方介绍:Experiential education is based on the philosophy that we learn best by doing. By utilizing adventure activities, individuals are asked to put aside preconceived notions of their abilities and develop new competencies and confidence. Working and travelling together on canoe trips creates opportunities for personal growth, development of leadership and teamwork skills as well as discovering hands-on ecology that isn't possible in a classroom. We have partnered with ALIVE Outdoors to create a customized, meaningful program for our students.
体验式教育基于一种理念,此理念为学生通过进行实践,达到最好的学习目标。通过利用冒险活动,个人被要求抛开对自己能力的刻板印象,培养新的能力和信心。在独木舟旅行中一起工作和旅行的过程中,也同时为个人成长、领导力和团队合作技能的发展创造了机会。同时也完成了课堂上不可能实现的探索大自然。我们与ALIVE Outdoors (营地名称) 合作,为我们的学生创建了一个定制的、有意义的项目。
在Hillfield Strathallan College,一个很大的”福利“,就是可以参加许多学校精心设计的课外活动。每年九月中旬,也就是开学第二周的Eweek,是其中最有代表性的一个。
这种主题的旅行真正意义上实现了我们经常说的 “实践出真知”
官方介绍:Purposes of this Trip Program
Building upon the Grade 7 and 8 experiences, this program will serve as the beginning stage of helping students develop their individual leadership style. Students will be introduced to what personal strengths are and be given the opportunity to think about strengths that are unique to their own character. At the end of this program, students will realize that the ability to recognize and live from a place of strength is the first step to becoming an effective leader. Due to the fact that Grade 9 tends to be an intake year, this exploration of strengths as a collective will allow the new students an opportunity to get to know their peers beyond a surface level.
In addition, the Grade 9 program follows a peer mentorship model. This model is designed to create a space for senior Hillfield Strathallan students to act as mentors to the Grade 9 students. The primary motivation of the senior students will revolve around helping the younger students achieve their personal goals as well as to deepen their connection to the Hillfield Strathallan community. During the program, the Grade 12 students will be assigned to a Grade 9 cabin group and will sleep in the cabins with the students at night in order to maintain a supportive environment amongst cabin peers. During the day the senior students will be assigned to an activity rotation group and will help instructors motivate students to reach their personal goals. The senior students who will be participating in this program have completed a leadership development weekend in preparation for their role as a mentor.
此外,九年级的课程遵循同伴指导模式。该模型旨在为Hillfield Strathallan College十二年级的学生创造一个机会,让他们成为九年级学生的导师。高年级学生的主要任务将围绕着帮助低年级学生并帮助他们实现个人目标,以及加深他们学校的人脉。在这个项目中,十二年级的学生将被分配到九年级的小组中,晚上和学生一起睡在小木屋里,以方便为小木屋中的同学们创造一个积极向上的环境。在每天的行程中,高年级学生也会鼓励九年级新生努力完成学习任务,并将帮助营地老师激励学生实现他们的个人目标。
During the program, the students will have the opportunity to rotate through a number of outdoor activities. These may include: canoeing, kayaking, high and low ropes challenge courses, zip line, giant swing, climbing wall, water elements (floating trampoline, iceberg, etc.) and swimming, stand up paddleboarding, teambuilding initiative activities, hiking, archery and archery tag, campfires, large group games, hiking along wilderness trails, going in tree forts, eco challenges, traditional sports and outdoor living skills such as fire and shelter building. Students may also have the opportunity to experience an out lunch on a campsite close to the camp property. During this out lunch students will canoe and be exposed to a number of camping skills such as cooking over stoves and fire and leave no trace camping principles. Finally, students will participate in workshops that will focus on the theme of their program. It is important to note that the scheduled activities may vary if the weather does not allow us to proceed as planned.