


New numbers, released on Sept 21, confirm a long-held belief: that sexual assault on US campuses is widespread.

According to a survey by the Association of American Universities (AAU), over 26 percent of female students in their senior year suffered unwanted sexual contact while attending university.

The statistics were even higher for transgender students and those who defy traditional gender categories – a group rarely studied by researchers. Over 29 percent said they too had endured sexual contact without consent.

The scale of the survey made it unique. In total, the survey collected 150,072 responses, from a mix of men and women, upper and lower classmen. Twenty-seven schools took part, including top institutions like Harvard and Columbia.

The survey spurred outrage among many activists and politicians, who felt it was further proof of “rape culture” in the US. Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal called for swift reform to stop this “egregious epidemic”.

“The horrific trends confirmed in this report are what I have heard all too often: alarmingly high rates of assault, shockingly low rates of reporting [...] and general confusion among students regarding resources and remedies on campus,” Blumenthal said in a statement.

Other observers are more skeptical. In a column for the Washington Post, journalist Stuart Taylor Jr. calls the statistics “more hype than science”.

The AAU admits its statistics don’t represent all students. Individuals could choose whether or not to participate in the survey. While “150,072 students” seems like a big number, it is a mere fraction of the total number of students attending the 27 schools surveyed.

Moreover, only certain types of students feel comfortable answering questions about sexual assault. “Non-victims may have been less likely to participate,” the study said.

For critics like Taylor Jr., the survey’s weaknesses only add to the “exaggerated” debate around sexual assault. He believes that the US has entered “an era of hysteria about the campus sexual assault problem”.

In recent years, campus sexual assault has become more visible, igniting a fierce public debate. The media closely covered cases like that of Emma Sulkowicz, a 2015 Columbia University graduate.

As a student, Sulkowicz was famous for carrying a dorm-room mattress around campus, as a protest against the classmate she says assaulted her. Her accusations were never proven.

Meanwhile, universities have struggled to respond to claims that they were too soft on sexual assault. Rape and other acts of sexual assault can be hard to verify, and often go unpunished – or unreported altogether.

But tougher rules also face controversy. Last year, when Harvard tightened its policies for dealing with sexual harassment, 28 of its law professors condemned the new rules as being unfair. They wrote that, under the new system, the odds were “overwhelmingly stacked against the accused”.

Part of the debate centers around the expanding definition of sexual assault. The AAU’s survey, for instance, included incidents of forced kissing and groping alongside more severe acts of assault, like rape. What should, and shouldn’t, be considered sexual assault remains a key part of the debate.

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